Simple Chimichurri Prawns Recipe

Simple Chimichurri Prawns

Simple Chimichurri Prawns

Chimichurri Prawns is a fast, healthy and flavourful recipe. Sweet, succulent prawns cooked in a feisty citrusy Chimichurri sauce.

Chimichurri sauce is a unique uncooked Argentinian sauce meant to go with grilled meats, fish and vegetables. This sauce is garlicky, spicy, and a brilliant emerald, green thanks to the fresh herbs like parsley. Chimichurri to Argentinians is what Pesto is to Italians! For me Chimichurri is like pesto but a whole lot more zesty, vibrant and versatile.

Like pesto, Chimichurri is an uncooked sauce, and the flavour is best unheated. If you must heat it, do it briefly, and at the last minute. This versatile recipe can be turned into dinner, served over sticky rice or simply enjoy it as an appetizer.

Recipes that are minimal in ingredients and come together easily yet are exciting are my type of recipes- especially in the summertime! Fresh ingredients, flavourful combinations, and simple rustic cooking is what I am all about this time of the year. These prawns are no exception!

It is probably worth your time to double the recipe and have some Chimichurri stashed in the fridge for when cravings strike, which will be often after you make this dish.


300 grams peeled and deveined prawns
1 tablespoon olive oil

For Chimichurri
½ cup finely chopped flat leaf parsley
2-3 finely chopped/grated garlic cloves
1-2 finely chopped red chillies
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
4-5 tablespoons olive oil
¾ teaspoon dried oregano
Coarse salt to taste
½ teaspoon black pepper powder
½ finely chopped red onion



In a food processor, combine the parsley and garlic. Process until finely chopped/minced.


Add the red wine vinegar, salt, black pepper, oregano, red chillies, onions and olive oil and whisk until the mixture is well blended. Let the sauce rest for 15-20 minutes for the flavours to infuse. Taste, and if necessary, add additional salt/ pepper according to your taste.


Heat the olive oil in a pan and add the prawns in a single layer. Sauté for 1-2 minutes on both the sides. They should be golden and beginning to curl.

Add 3-4 tablespoons of Chimichurri sauce and toss to coat the prawns in the sauce. Let the prawns cook for a minute and turn the heat off.  Let the prawns finish off cooking in the residue heat.

Serve hot with Chimichurri sauce on the side.

Tips & Variations

  1. You do not need to fry prawns for a long time, so fry on high heat for 1-2 minutes or else the prawns will become chewy and hard.
  2. While cooking prawns remember that the raw prawns hang straight by the trail, perfectly cooked prawns form a “C” and overcooked prawns will curl into a tight “O”.
  3. Remember not to heat Chimichurri for long time as it will lose its flavour when heated for long time.
  4. If you like the strong flavour of garlic, use 3 cloves, if you like milder garlic, start with 2 cloves.
  5. Adjust the seasoning of the Chimichurri according to your taste. Add more salt, more pepper, less or more chili. It is up to you!
  6. Whole red chillies can be substituted with 1-2 teaspoons of dried red chili flakes.
  7. Red wine vinegar is the best vinegar for chimichurri. Use lemon juice as a substitution. I wouldn’t recommend using balsamic or white vinegar.
  8. You can use Shrimp instead of prawns in this recipe.

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